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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

About Ashley

I was born in Utah in 1983, the third girl in a row, needless to say my parents had one more child, a boy. We moved to Arizona when I was very young so I would consider myself an Arizona native. I have a love/hate relationship with the heat! I filled the "middle child, peace maker" spot in my family. Along with that came drawing pictures of princesses, dancing ballet, singing all day, and talking to myself. To this day, I still have my head in the clouds.

I went to high school in Mesa, Arizona the kind of place where every student is uber-talented and there's no shortage of competition on every level. I fit right in with the choir nerds and seminary kids. I went to college in St. George Utah at Dixie College where 4 wheeling, hiking and big hair was second nature to everyone.

It was there that I met my future husband Joseph (we all call him Joe) at a Karaoke party at my dorm with my cool Karaoke box singing to the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears. He separated himself from the crowd by being irresistibly sweet, and also driving me wherever I needed to go (I didn't have my own car till after I was married). We became best friends and one day he surprised me by taking me to Las Vegas and proposing to me during an amazing water show in front of the Bellagio hotel, I melted on the spot!

3 years after we were married, our little bundle of joy Ethan came into our lives. He was saying words like ‘helicopter’ and ‘basketball’ before he turned one, and we realized we have an Einstein in our family (well not really, but every mom likes to think so right?). Daddy calls him ‘champ’ and he lives up to the name. It’s safe to say he gets spoiled around our house. He’s 4 now, and I started my crash course in web design right after he was born and to this day, I don’t know how I survive doing so many things at once. In December 2009 we welcomed our Princess Ivy to the family. She's such a joy to have in our home!

I am also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (or Mormon as you may better relate to-for more info on what that means you can visit and that has a huge influence on who I am and the type of designs I create.

My life isn’t really THAT exciting considering that I spend most of my time in front of the glow of a computer screen, but keep checking back, and I’ll give you some more insight as to who I am. Thanks for reading!

Ashley - TCBOTB
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  1. so i am new to this blogging thing and am having real troubles changing the "templates" i want to put one of ya'll super cute ones on my blog but i cant figure out how.. can you help me out.???

  2. Hello you'll just want to click on a background that you like and then follow the instructions underneath it to make your blog cute!

  3. Hey ladies, too fun reading about you and how you grew up even though I knew some of it...miss seeing you guys! Your website is awesome and I find myself here all the time...I could truely spend hours here everyday...I swear I don't but I have to stop myself sometimes. I am always changing my background or trying to add things. I just really love it. Thanks for making this available...take to ya soon. Deanne

  4. Hi! I love your blog and website! I have told everybody I know about you guys! I have changed my blog template a few times. One day I'm going to get you guys to design one for me after I sell a few more things on Etsy. Thanks for the freebies! My husband is a project manager for a computer company and he can't believe how much I have learn from your site. Now I know alittle about it when he talks his code!Hee-Hee! :)Dina

  5. Nice to meet you! I LOVE YOUR DESIGNS and am so thankful to you ladies for making all these great blog designs available!

  6. Hello Ladies!
    Someone sent me a link to your page - and I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you so much! :-)

  7. Thanks for sharing about you! I love the website and it's been fun to be able to create a blog of my own and give it personality from your backgrounds!
    Thanks for sharing your talent.

  8. Ashley, I have a question, please email me at as soon as you can.


  9. Love all that you ladies offer. I have never been into creating things and once I started a blog who knew I would still be at it. Totally see your LDS influence~thank you. I trying to decide on which Blinky to get.

  10. It's a great to know a little about the ladies behind the cutest blogs!

    sorry to ask this here, but i couldn't for the life of me find a way to ask questions on your site. i was trying to follow your instructions to make a signature for my blog. i was using and i do not find the option to make the background transparent. how in the world do i do that on

  11. Just used one of your backgrounds on my blog, and wanted to thank you for having such fun designs! It was hard to choose one!

    Many thanks,


  12. I'm a resident Mesan myself and am so impressed with all your computer knowledge and creative skills. I'm trying to set up my own boutique blog and may be contacting you to help me out. I was wondering though how do you change the font on a blog. I'm not really fond of the fonts that blogger offers.
    Thanks for the help

  13. I ordered a siggy over a week ago and it's still not on my blog. I know you guys are busy with all the cool stuff you make but I want to make sure you received the order.

    I wish I could still contact you thru email, but no email is listed on the site anymore.

  14. i am trying to find a new layout and stuff for ym blog can you please help me? the website is

  15. Your boy sounds so cute! My husband and I got Colt to say "Hi" Granted he doesn't know what he is saying... but he still said it. I love your site.

  16. Hello 2 Moms,
    I love your site.
    I have been blogging for more than a year and haven't tried dressing up my site- getting in here makes me wanna have these cute web design.

    I am still trying to figure out how- but I guess I'll be frequent in your other site to get some ideas.


  17. Ashley I've been running through your blog which is very nice and your site. I don't see a place to ask a question before buying one of your blog templates. How can you contact you about questions before making purchases? You can email me:

  18. I made a background using your instructions and for the life of me I cannot get it to work in my blog. I have I saved it a jpeg to my photo bucket, no matter how many times I have tried to insert it, it will not work. Are there any other tricks that might help?

  19. Hi ladies!
    I am the "owner" of - and I do a weekly radio show for work at home and stay at home moms, I'd love to have you on some day - please email me at - I can't wait to hear from you!

  20. I got this site from my sister in law...I just started a blog and am "techno-challenged"...but I'm learning! Thanks for all the info, it's a little foreign right now, but I can see that it will come! I was able to at least add a background to my blog...LOL! Now I am concerned about privacy, i did read your warning, but how do I get a site meter? I'm still not quite sure about how to get my blog private...I'm going to work on that, though.

    I'm LDS, too, only in a very non LDS place...I thought you might be because of this beautiful are truly "letting your light shine".

  21. Dear Webmaster, is the largest up to date informational database consisting of general health and disease information. The only way to combat disease and promote healthy living is to provide the public current information on health and diseases. consists of breaking news in the health world and offers the information needed to take preventive and combative measures to fight disease. Your website seems to be a very credible resource and would beneficial to us in the fight to combat the contraction and spread of disease. You can aid us in this fight by simply putting a banner or link up for us, making our site available to your vast public. I have included the code for the banner within this email showing you exactly what this banner will look like. Thank you for your time, effort, and work you have done, we look forward to any thoughts you may have. is awarding you as top resource and if you would like to get the banner, please email me back with the subject line as your URL to avoid Spam and also to make sure that you only get the banner.

  22. Hi, I am also one of those newbies but glad to have bump into yourwebsite. I will try to find time to improve my blog and share more info with everyone. My family will be going to Jakarta 12-17 Feb and I will definitely put this wonderful family travel trip on blog to share with everyone.

  23. Hi Ashley, It's lovely to meet you and Becky, you look and sound like two beautiful ladies. I wish you both blessings together with your families.
    I love the name Ethan, it's such a strong name!
    LL Nat:)

  24. Where can i get those pretty backgrounds?

  25. I love finding other LDS women who love to share their talents. Asre you planning on going to the womens' conferance at BYU this year? I'm from England and am going and would love to hook up if you are around.
    you can contact me via my blog;

  26. Hey!

    I'm new to your templates/backgrounds and I love them!

    I also totally knew you were LDS; I could just tell. :) I am too. :) I really think we have a sensor for fellow Mormons, haha.

    I was going to ask, how do you apply the Wordpress templates? I don't get it at all.. there are three CSS notes in the downloaded folder and I have no idea what to do with them?

  27. Hi Ashley,

    I have been trying to find a way to contact you about The Cutest Blog on the Block; however, the community feature seems to be down, and I have a question regarding the availability of a certain Blogger template.

    Please email or contact me at:

    Thank you!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I love your blog (and your designs!) I was wondering if you would be interested in hosting a giveaway sponsored by SAY IT ON THE WALL Vinyl Lettering. Let me know! CLICK HERE to contact me!

  30. Hi there! I'm using your Comic Sans "Easy Font Change" secret and I LOVE it. I have two questions, though:

    1) I have added a new "page" and the size of the font on the pages tabs is too big so it's making it roll down to two rows. Blech. Is there a way to change the font size for that portion?

    2) HOW did you make those codes? I would LOVE to be able to do it with other fonts!

    Thanks for ALL of your blogging insights!

  31. Hello Ashley. (BTW. My youngest granddaughter is Ashley) *Ü* So pleased to meet you and thank you for the time and effort you and Becky put into making such beautiful creations for us to enjoy. I LOVE your blog. I too am LDS - in England. TFS. ~Glen~

  32. Hello - I'm wondering if anyone knows if I can do the following with my blog site - I have two columns down the main center page and on the right hand side I have the smaller column with the blog archive and sometimes I add a blinkie there. I want to know if there is a way to have all of the stuff I have in right hand column move down the page as users scroll down the blog to see all the of the posts in the center column? Right now if you scroll down, the stuff in right hand column doesn't scroll down with teh main there a way to do this? thanks. Rav

  33. I see that some of your designs are made to work with I have a design I love but you don't have it in wordpress. How would I convert it or do you do this? I didn't see a price on your page.

    I also want to use it with Swift Theme.

    musingmom6 (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. So fun reading more about you and your family... Thank you both so much for sharing your gifts, talents and skills regarding blogging. I truly appreciate those that are so knowledgeable when it comes to computer related things!!! I am still learning something about my blog all the time!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  35. I bought your design a few years ago and have loved, loved, loved it. My daughter even got me a blog book from you. It's your Wellman Way design and my maiden name.

    Something has radically changed in the past 2 years with Bing. I can't access my blog with Internet Explorer. Lots of my family only use that browser and it's so important for them to see my blog right now, since I'm posting updates on my mom's stroke. Soooo, it's kinda' urgent that I learn to do something to add it to Bing's or Internet Explorer's sitefeed.

    I've tried meta tags, the crawler add-on, and nothing seems to work. Should I just start over with a new blogger template and lay your template over it. I'm frazzled with caring for my mother and she's going in for another procedure on Tuesday. Found: unrelated aneurysm that needs attention quickly. The massive stroke, even though terrible enabled the surgeon to find the pending tragedy of the aneurysm. A blessing.

    I know I'm due also for a new little flip slide-show on my right sidebar. I've acquired two more grandchildren and I would love for you to design another one for me. Not design really just add updated photos. So let me know the price. And I would love to even buy my "Wellman Way" again with my beautiful header no changes--except to be accessible with Internet Explorer. I've tried all the tutorials I can handle. Thank you, Ashley (((hugs))) Susan aka tezra
    Off Wellman Way

  36. Hi, girls! I use one of yours beautiful backgrounds and I just lov, love, love your work You made my blog great! But today I was so suprised to see that Google put a warning message on my blog that there was a security risc ti visit my blog because there was something from The cutest blog on the block and that site is risky! Please tell me what is going on?
    Thank you in advance!


  38. Hi, I am trying to create a fitness-type background for my blog, but I am completely clueless on how to do it. Is there anyway you could create a fitness/scrapbooking background for it? Thanks!

  39. Hi! Thanks for your free blog backgrounds! I was wondering if I could use the "6 Be's" blinky button that's free--but I want to change it so that it would go to when clicked on. What do you think?

    Also, I'm your newest follower from Why We Love Green at . I'd love it if you'd follow me back!

  40. Hi Love the blog and the help!
    Question: I am trying to upload my signature on my blog. The instructions say Paste the HTML code from your signature in that box. Where is the html for the signature that I made in Photoshop?
    Sorry for the silly questions, I'm new to this :)
    Thanks for the help!

  41. Sorry to bother you on your personal blog but I couldn't find a "contact" link to send a message to Cutest Blog. I have been using Madison Ave 3 Column for a year (and I LOVE IT!!) but suddenly it just stopped and went grey. I went to Cutest Blog and copied the link again and re-installed but it is still not working. I copied and pasted a different 3 column background and it works fine. So that makes me think that there is something wrong with the Madison Ave 3 column link. Could you please check it out? I REALLY love it and want to be able to continue using it.
    Thanks so much!!
    Connie Miles
    P.S. - I'm from Mesa and my kids graduated from Mesa High too!!

  42. Ashley, hi...I have a problem that seems to lead back to you :)

    This blog is my blog:

    I've had it for a few years and have only been holding the name. Today I was ready to use the site, only to find it's got some problem. If you visit it you will see that smack bang in the middle of the screen it has a window that seems to be stuck there saying "IMAGE OR VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE." I have NO idea what this is. None. It's not an image in my files, on my blog files, nothing. So I look to the left top corner of the blog where I see a little blue question mark. I click on it, and it leads to your site, The Cutest Blog on the Block.

    So I need you to tell me why your site has a link on my blog, how it got there, and how I can get it off? :) I'd appreciate that very much because as you can see, it's a bit inconvenient.....

    Braja :)

  43. Love your blog. I have been trying to change my blog with The cutest Blog on the Block for weeks. I know exactly how to do it, but for some reason it won't change. My son has been on a mission so I have been changing it with new backgrounds for 15 months. Now it won't change. We are stuck on Christmas! Can you help me with this?
    My email is
    Thank you!

  44. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the cuteness!!!!! I'm using one of your free blog templates and my blog looks so cute now =D I couldn't be happier!!!


  45. Hi Ashley :)
    I love love LOVE your wordpress themes! They are the prettiest ones I have seen by a long shot. I'm using Easter Glade on my Scrapbooking site and I just adore it. I've even made a new banner for it.
    I have a problem though. I am putting together a sister site for my Scrapbooking store, and have used the same theme so it all matches. My problem is that I really need the 'home' page to show up in the list of pages, but it doesn't. And of course, since I have changed the banners, they no longer link to the home page. Is there a way I can have the home page show up in the list of pages and how do I do it?
    I really hope you can help me out here please?



  46. so i just uploaded a template from your website and i was curious if i am able to adjust the font size on my blog title so that it will fit in the header box and if im able to change the description of my blog to a different color so that it shows up?

  47. Hi! I am trying to ad the Layered Lemon Pie3 column template to my blog. I know how to make all the changes in terms of design and what not. When there is an error, I can usually find the broken code or whatever is causing the problem. In this case, the error I receive isn't very clear to me. I copied the entire code from the google doc that opens when I click on it. The error I receive when I put it in the Edit HTML section is this:

    "Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed."

    Can you please help me with this? Thanks!

  48. Hello
    HELP 9-11.......I want to use one of your templates on "blogger" but how do i get rid of the one I have.....this is new and I'm learning.It's 4 Am and I'm a tired Mormon....haha,seriuosly...I need someone's help.
    tThank you,

  49. Hi Gayle! Can you give us your blog address and we will take a look. Usually there is just an extra background code on our 'layout' page or 'design' page labeled as html/java script in the gadgets.....but we will check it out:)

  50. I have tried three times to remove the opaque background from my blog, with no luck. Don't know what is missing. Help! I followed your directions with no problem but it doesn't work for my blog.
    Garden of Secrets

    come by for a visit and maybe you can see what's wrong or what I'm missing. Thanks, I love your backgrounds and goodies.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Hello.
    I need some of your expertise with my blog. And I'm wondering if you can help me. I started my blogspot blog in the UK, when my husband and I were stationed there in the Air Force and now we're back in the US. My feedjit and my blog still reflect my UK location and I've tried everything I know to correct it. I've contacted some 'techie' computer help companies and none know about blogger. I've also tried bloggers help forum and am getting nowhere, so I thought I would come to you. Hoping you could help me or direct me to someone who can. I will gladly compensate someone to look at or hopefully fix my problem. I'm sure it's something minor in the html still recognizing my blog from the days of old. Many thanks for reading my rambling. Our family treasures my blog and I would love to set it right again. Allison

  53. I have two blogs using your backgrounds and they look great on the computer, but on the Iphone, the background has been scrolled way down. Is there a code to insert to fix this on the Iphone? I'd really appreciate the help and I'm sure others could benefit too. I have several friends who use your backgrounds and are having the same issue. I Googled for an answer but couldn't find anything.

    Thank you!

  54. Thank you for the adorable free backgrounds! I am setting up a new blog and can't find the minima template. Is there anyway to get it again? I tried the other template you recommended (window I think) and it still showed through. Any suggestions?

  55. I have an unusual comment/request. In doing some personal genealogical / family history research, I came across one of The Cutest Blog on the Block which appears to have been created through your services. The blog includes pictures and information of a time and place which would coincide with my research about my dad's stepmother. I am wondering how to make contact with the blogger. Is there any way?

  56. Hi Main...usually on peoples blogs they have a contact button or Facebook page. You can contact them through that.

  57. Thanks for your designs, they look great, I've been trying to use your "Stay Awhile" 2 column template on my blogger blog, but somehow the "Share to email/Share to Facebook..." buttons under each blog post are messed up with the link titles, any idea how to get rid of them? (Cos I tried to use back the pre-set blogger templates and they were fine) If you need to see how they look, please come to my blog at mommyofabunny dot blogspot dot de. Thanks a lot!!

  58. Hey ladies! Thanks so much for creating such beautiful and creative backgrounds! Quick question (hopefully)...I have used your templates and backgrounds for the past 2 1/2 years. Recently I wanted to change templates. In doing so, I have spent the last week trying to figure out why blogger won't let me change the font/size/style and I can't locate "minima" on the template page. It looks to me as if blogger only wants you to use their blog templates? Extremely frustrating since your templates are so much cuter! I am fairly tech savvy so I'm feeling like this is a blogger issue but thought maybe you have had others with this issue?? Desperately wanting to get my blog back to where it was!!! Thanks so much!

  59. Ashley! I love your Blogger designs and just applied the Modern Spring (3 column) to my new blog. Thank you for your creativity, help and genius skills! :)

  60. First of all I want to tell you how much I like your themes. They are so girly and cute !!!! We lived in Ogden, Utah for a little over two years-it is beautiful country. I'm starting a new blog ( ) and am using your Shabby Abbey theme. I also down loaded Easy Google Fonts plug in and was able to change the font size in the body (us grannies need bigger font LOL ) but I also want to change the site title. How do I do this ? Thanks so much for your help and keep up the good work !!!



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