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Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Call for Wordpress Designers with Graphic Skills!

Hi Everyone!

Our new custom design site has really taken off, and we are so busy with orders that we know it's time to call for a new graphic artist to join our team! 

Keep in mind, this is Wordpress specific, so please only leave a comment if you have skill in designing a custom layout and then converting it into a Wordpress theme.

So what are you waiting for? If you think you could be our newest teammate, post your comment BELOW. Be sure to leave us your email address so that we can send you email detailing the next step!

(PS. Graphic Designers who design for blogger, DON'T FRET! We will be posting a call for your talents VERY soon. Keep watching!)

We can't wait!

Ashley and Becky
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Back to School Blog Backgrounds

I don't know about all of you, but things have been a little bit crazy getting ready for school to start up!  My boys just started pre-k yesterday.   They are on the same schedule (thank goodness!!) but with different teachers.   It was weird dropping them of at the Elementary school, it made me feel like they are growing up way too fast!  I did get a little emotional as they walked off with their class:(
In honor of back to school we decided to design some new cute school backgrounds!! Take a look at our newest back to school blog backgrounds. We've got a great variety, so head on over to our site to check them out! 
Have a great day!
<p>Images for this design provided by:</p><p><a mce_href="" href=""><img mce_src="" src="" alt="ss" height="143" width="250"></a><br mce_bogus="1"></p> 
<p>free, cute, school, blog background</p><p>Images for this design provided by:<br></p><p><a href="">
<img alt="" id="Image1_img" src="" height="50" width="150"></a></p>
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gray or Grey? What's in a name?

I've always been a stickler about spelling. This is mainly because I am terrible at math, so naturally any talent I do have in another area should be flaunted right? Ha ha, but really, I've always felt a twinge of regret thinking that I never tried for a spelling B in school for the reason that I will never know if I would have won. Don't you just love those 'Woulda Couldas' that creep into your mind on a random Thursday morning? What are yours?

But on to my REAL question...

How do YOU spell gray/grey?

Why do I ask? The color grey/gray is having a huge affect on the design market right now. From fashion to home decor to web, you'll find it used as a base color to neutralize bright vibrant tones and their collaboration is nothing short of FABULOUS!  Take a look at a few samples:

Are you feeling that grey/gray vibe yet? To solve this debacle, I'd like to take the 'not so scientific' approach and do what politicians should be doing right now...ask the PEOPLE! That means YOU.

The voting for this post is CLOSED now.
HERE were the results:

So it looks like MORE people use the spelling GREY over GRAY.

Even though it seems to me mostly preference, I went ahead and checked out what the scholars are saying regarding the matter: This comes from

When all else fails..
grAy is how it's spelled in America 
grEy is how it's spelled in England

So take that or leave it. I guess when it comes to gray/grey, it's whatever feels right to you!

In the meantime, we'll be here in the TCBOTB design lab cooking up all sorts of cute stuff for you! 

Thanks for voting!

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Introducing: Templates!!

 What's the difference between a blog template and a blog background?
-A background is just the picture that shows up like wallpaper on the back of your blog.
-A template is a set of instructions that tells your blog what the layout should look like, i.e. how many columns, what font, etc.  With the template you will get the background, banner, post divider image, and a post title image.

For a long time, we've offered only blog backgrounds on our site. BUT we are so happy to say that we are now offering some fabulous FREE templates!
Check out the fun:

There's going to be plenty more where these came from too! Our design wheels are always turning! We wanna see these in action so let us know if you use one in the comments below!

Ashley and Becky
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Warm Up Your Blog! New Summer Designs!

We loved this contemporary chic kit from Jen Allyson so much that we just had to get our hands on it and design a few fresh summer backgrounds for all of you! You'll feel warm all over when you deck your blog out with these free summer goodies!

Also, what are you up to this summer? Lounging by the pool, trips, movies?

Let us know!

Ashley and Becky
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Custom Blog Design Site

To CELEBRATE our new custom blog design site we are offering a 15% discount on all orders placed before July 31st, 2011!!   I think you all are going to love our new site.  There are three easy steps when placing your order.  I know sometimes it is hard to decide what style you want, so first choose your style.  Do you want a scrapbook look, modern, photo or graphic?

NEXT, choose a package.  You can also order items individually!!

 The last step is to place your order!!  Our design team is amazing!! You will usually see you finished designed within 3-4 days!! If it is a larger order it may take a little longer.  You can also check out our most recent designs in our portfolio.  Order today to get your 15% off your entire order!

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